Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How About Funding?
More of the details about EMR funding under ARRA HITECH are coming out and our understanding is starting to settle down. Many well respected EMR solutions require a "front-loaded" investment - large checks need to be written in advance of earning the ARRA financial incentives. Very bright folks are proposing that Bond Funding will be needed to support timely adoption. But there is still this "credit crunch" and governmental units and health care organizations are finding this type of funding to be unavailable - or very expensive.

Some emerging EMR solutions are "no fee" buy may involve a commitment for the EMR vendor to "sell properly de-identified health records for approved research purposes" to keep the "no fee" feature. The terms of this "deal" may not be comfortable for all providers and all patients. And, there may still be too large an up front cost for customization, implementation and training. What good are unlimited training webinars if ONE webinar does not enable some initial success?

We've seen the press releases from vendors who talk about "funding their customers." Yes, it is possible to create lending vehicles to support product purchases and have it all look like good business that meets the vendor's financial metrics. But how do we discern a "good funding plan" from those that stray over into the issues that foretold the Alt-A Mortgage Meltdown - eager purchasers being told to "put down the right answers, sign and GO?"

The emerging solutions are still being vetted. It make take "the voice of the market" to understand what will really play well to help get things moving...

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that advancements in health care is extending to this edge. Remote monitoring can never be used other that just is prisons I thought, but you post made me clear that things have many positive uses. Not just electronic health record management, safety gains and clinical Informatics are major advantages of such monitored health care facility.
    Asic Design
